15 Secrets I Learned from Successful & Happy Investors doing Goal Based Investing
By - AdminHaving interacted with many successful individual investors who have been able to increase their Networth manifold and at the same time are more content in life, I learned following Essential qualities & habits from them. My learnings are as follows:-
1) Chose to focus on the Goal [...]
Know Your Risk Tolerance Before Risking Your Assets In Market
By - AdminMs. Mithali who was managing her own portfolio had investment of 25 Lac and was mostly in equities. During the 2008 market crash, the investment started falling down and had seen the level of 12 Lac. She could not stand the losses and under the pressure of further loss in portfo [...]
Invest UBUNTU way !! Proper Asset allocation will make the difference to your portfolio !!!
By - AdminInvestment decision from the Analogy of Life
When it comes to investing, what matters is Understanding, attitude and discipline.
Let us learn this from a small story …
An Anthropologist proposed one Game to the kids of African Tribal Children. He p [...]